User Provocare, Stimulatus, Stimulare Ex praeteritis discere, ad actionem nunc provocare

Ancient hoard reset,
rebuilt from the ashed death,
it’s former advance.
Righteous hubris at
endogamous assaults proof,
Slaver tongue thoughts set.
Welcomed by conquered,
Supplied with their funded tithe,
Bombs the new pure scripts.


DALL·E 2024-01-04 18.35.20 - A visual representation of three interconnected haikus. The first scene depicts an ancient treasure being reborn from ashes, symbolizing renewal and p

DALL·E 2024-01-04 18.41.11 - A visual representation of three haikus, each depicting a unique theme. The first scene shows an ancient treasure being restored from ashes, symbolizi


 DALL·E 2024-01-04 18.42.31 - An abstract representation of three haiku poems. The first section shows an ancient treasure being reborn from ashes, symbolizing renewal and advancem




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