室内用スリッパ(ハー/ムリエブリス)(ピュアリージェイドライト)RJSTHs2023 RJS
室内用スリッパ(ハー/ムリエブリス)(ピュアリージェイドライト)RJSTHs2023 RJS
他にはない Her/Muliebris 室内用スリッパで、快適な履き心地をお楽しみください。100% 柔らかく丈夫なフランネル フリース生地で作られたこのスリッパは、柔軟性と滑り止め効果のあるアウターソールが特徴で、優れた耐久性と滑りやすい表面でのグリップ力を発揮します。River Jade Smithy Travis "Doby" Huffaker RJSTH によるオリジナル アートワークが特徴で、River Jade Smithy RJS 限定です。各ペアには取り外し可能なインソールが付いており、カスタム フット オルソティックの装着に最適です。さらに、ポリエステル生地は形状を保ち、速乾性があるため、長持ちします。究極の心地よさを味わうためのこれらの重要な機能をぜひお見逃しなく。
.: 素材: 表地と裏地はポリエステル100%
.: ブラックラバーソール
.: 取り外し可能なインソール
米国7 - 8 | アメリカ 9 - 10 | アメリカ 11 - 12 | |
EUサイズ | 39 - 40 | 40 - 41 | 42 - 43 |
かかとからつま先まで(内側)、 | 10.20 | 10.39 | 10.79 |
幅(インチ) | 4.02 | 4.09 | 4.21 |

In the realm of craftsmanship, my noble quest,
I bear a proof of artistry, a worth builder's crest.
Each piece, a masterpiece, in beauty refined,
I'm a Grail Light, to art's call, forever aligned.
With quality as my armor, a gleaming seal,
I craft each piece with care, with hands that feel.
Customization, a banner that I hoist up high,
To honor your vision, let your spirit fly.
Each garment, a canvas, my true artistry,
Like a commissioned masterpiece, it's clear to see.
Defects are vanquished, replaced by design's grace,
I ensure beauty in every noble embrace.
My steed, swift shipping, gallops through the night,
Ensuring your treasure reaches you, pure and bright.
Eco-friendly vows, like sacred oaths, we keep,
To protect our Earth, in her beauty, we sleep.
I raise the standard, an emblem of approval so bright,
Sample orders bear my seal, they've passed the night's sight.
Exclusive designs, from the Grail Night's Land,
A rare and precious gift, in your kingdom's land.
Seamless the journey, as you traverse the gate,
Of our online domain, where custom treasures await.
Reviews and testimonials, a chorus that sings,
Of the artful wonders that a Grail Night brings.
New arrivals herald, as the seasons turn and burn,
In our worlds of creation, there's always more to discern.
In this grand fellowship, together we shall partake,
In the realm of custom art, there's no dream too great.
O, fellow traveler, join this quest with me,
For I'm a Grail Night of Art, as you can see.
In the world of craft and beauty, we shall forever dwell,
Creating masterpieces, as tales of legend do tell.
~Scribe of the Mystic Quill